Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How will I apply my knowledge from my producer class in the future?

In class Professor Christopher Riley asked us what we want to do with the information we learned during our production class this quarter. He gave us 15 minutes in class to write something, this is what I wrote:

What I want to do with this knowledge is probably the most obvious, I am now intrigued by producing and might do producing in some projects in the future. This class really helped my knowledge of what producer does and made me realize that I have a lot of the skills that a producer needs to be successful. And with more practice here at JP Catholic, I might go on to be a producer outside of the school. Because of the other class that I am taking, I am understanding what exactly a producer is doing and I am witnessing examples of producers and learning what works and what doesn't work. Also, as being an assistant to the two producers on my team and taking this class at the same time, I am able to try and help them successfully do their job and I am able to explain different things to other team members. By these different experiences, I can be a better producer in the future when I actually become one. Producers need to dream pretty big and follow that dream in order to be successful, and through different conversations with people, I have found that I have a lot more confidence in people than they have and that I would be able to help them with their projects by encouraging them in getting their story told. The other reason why I think I would enjoy being a producer is because I am really good at knowing a little about a lot of things and I know how and what to do, even if I am not the best at any job in particular. As a producer you need to know when a job is done correctly and well, and the basics of how to do it, but you do not need to be the best at any particular case. Because I like being involved in all aspects of production I think that this job is very suitable for me.

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