Friday, February 6, 2009

Adoption of Children by Homosexual Couples in Ireland

January 30, 2009

            The United States recently had to state their opinion on many issues that affect our Catholic faith on many levels. Although I was well aware that in London this had been an issue and other areas of the world, it would never have occurred to me that Ireland was also fighting this changing view of marriage. It is completely surprising to me that with all the evidence pointing to children coming out the best with a mother and a father to take care of them, people can still think that it is okay for children to be adopted into a homosexual relationship where they will never have that chance of being raised by a mother and father.

            One thing I found interesting was that when one of the ladies on the panel started talking she directly told us that study after study shows that a married man and wife is the best way for children to be raised, and then seemed to still agree with this idea of homosexual adoptions because of the way that society has decided to change. Being a Catholic, especially after understanding more clearly through theology classes, it deeply saddens me to see that people are willing to sacrifice the young and those who cannot come up with decisions on their own just to become more similar to the way that Ireland is turning out to be, regardless of their own feelings on the issue.

            One of the men pointed out very clearly that the government and parliament are trying to look out for the children and that marriage was based around the ability for a child to be raised by a mother and a father. He also said that it is worse for them to just allow anyone to adopt children and not at least try to help people decide to stay committed to their marriages.

One thing that was pointed out very clearly was that the government cannot just sit back and watch the numbers of kids who are not raise by their biological parents go up. I think this is a very important point to understand. Although parts of society are not on the right track, that does not mean we should meld our moral compasses into that same agenda. If people understood that the reason we have a lot of these problems with people saying that homosexual adoptions are fine is because we, as a society, have become so used to marriage not being as concrete as it was in past years and their our an increasingly more children being conceived outside of the bond of marriage. But because we have never been so close to having homosexual adoption, the pro-homosexual adoption groups have realized that the non-homosexual adoption people are saying that we only think people can have kids if they are continually supplying the child with a mother and father and therefore confusing the issue altogether and making it easier for the pro-homosexual adoption groups to sway people to agree with their point of view.

            I thought it was interesting that Ireland does not really like President Obama because they are nervous that he will take away a lot of their ability for globalization. They mentioned other presidents trying to put more jobs in their own country by making it more expensive for Americans to buy outside products. However, a few people pointed out that President Obama will not be able to do that in this day and age anymore because of how international a lot of companies have already become. They also mentioned that they should just wait and see what he will actually do because they realized that presidents say a lot that they are not able to fulfill when they actually do become president. They thought of giving President Obama the benefit of the doubt, understanding that he must put the people in the United States first. 

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