Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The People Who have Influenced Me the Most

The People who have Influenced Me the Most
Everyday people enter one’s life. Some people only step into the hallway of your life. They come in and talk, but never really get to know you. Others come in and stay with you for awhile. They eat, drink, sleep, and talk with you. As the relationship strengthens they start to have a continuous presence in your life and what they do each and every day impacts you. In my life there have been four people who have influenced every decision I make. When I need help getting through something, I know I can go to them for a smile or a laugh. These people are four of my five brothers.

As the oldest child, I was able to see my brothers grow up and change. I got to know my brothers so well when I was playing with them on the floor. I enjoyed that so much because of the sheer look of joy and happiness always on their face. All I wanted to do was make sure that they were okay and that no one would hurt them. I became their protector and tried to make sure that they were going to be okay. Whenever we went to the doctors, I would see them cry as they endured their medical tests. It would hurt me to see them suffer because I knew I would not be able to take the pain away. As I got older, it was even harder to protect them. All I could do was make sure that when they were done with the tests to hold them and make sure they knew I loved them.

However, as they got older and the medical situations got worse, it was harder for me to protect them. I would feel that I had let them down as their older sister and protector because I could not protect them from the pain that they were going through. But, it was during this part of our journey together that I learned the most from them. The first one to go down the harder road was the fourth oldest, Daniel. After the third time of going to the emergency room, he was admitted into the hospital for about two and a half weeks. During this time I had a really hard time being okay with all the tests that he was going through. My mom would stay with him at the hospital and the rest of us would go visit him as much as possible. One thing that I always noticed was how, even when he was in pain, he would smile and laugh and communicate with us. It was during these times that I learned that if the people who are going through the most can get through life with a smile, so can I.

The following year, both Michael and Christopher started going down the same road that Daniel had already started down. I noticed that, although they were going through so much physical pain, they were still the happiest people I have ever been around. Even though Simon has not reached the age in which the rest of the boys’ physical skills weakened, I know that he will be just as strong as the other three boys. The boys, even after everything they have gone through and will go through, still help me to be happy and thankful throughout the hardest parts of life.

These four people have shown me the most valuable lessons in life. They have made me smile and be strong even during the hardest hours. Although I do not know how long they will be here on earth with me, nothing will be able to change how much they influenced my life as a person. They have shown me how to enjoy life for as long as we have it and also to be optimistic even when it is very hard. No matter how hard life seems to be or what I may be going through, my brothers will always be there to share a smile and lend an ear when I need them. That is why they have had the most influence on me.

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