Monday, October 15, 2007

OT verse Wedding at Cana

What connection is there between the Old Testament readings and the story of the wedding at Cana? Why do you suppose Jesus refers to Mary as a woman? How does Jesus’ miracle relate to Isaiah’s prophecy? What other connections do you find between the story of the miracle at Cana and the Old Testament readings?
In the Bible, there are always connections between the Old and the New Testaments. God continues to make covenants with His people throughout the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Jesus is the new and final covenant that God gives us. Realizing this is crucial to understanding what Jesus did throughout his lifetime. One example of the importance of reading the Old Testament is in the miracle at Cana.
The first connection between the Old Testament and the wedding at Cana is in Genesis 2. There are two main connections between these two stories in the Bible. The first connection is that Jesus calls Mary woman. Another place in the Bible where a man calls a woman this is Genesis 2:23. When Adam sees the girl, he calls her woman. The other connection made between these two stories is the wedding. In the wedding ceremony we are told that the man and woman become one flesh. In Genesis 2 we see that woman is made from man and therefore they together are of one flesh.
Another connection between the Old Testament and the wedding at Cana is the prophecy in Isaiah 61-62. One main point that God makes in Isaiah 62:8-9 is that he will not let their enemies drink their wine in His sanctuary. At the wedding at Cana, Mary asks Jesus to make more wine for the newly married couple’s guests. After some unwillingness, Jesus then takes the water and changes it to wine. He took the water from their jars and changed it to the wine in their house, their sanctuary. Similarly, in Isaiah it says that they will be able to drink their own wine made from themselves.
As these examples show, there is a strong connection between the Old and the New Testaments. Stories, such as the wedding at Cana, can only be understood fully through knowing the entire Bible. Jesus’ sermons and miracles can only truly be understood by understanding the history, which is reading the Old Testament. Without knowing what has happened, it is impossible to what God is trying to tell us in scripture.

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