Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Finding a Need in Society

There is a real need for women speakers. Speakers are important for a lot of different situations. There are four main markets where there is a real need for women speakers. They are teenagers, pro-life audiences, the handicap community, and those who are a part of a big family. Teenagers are in high school. They want to fit in and want to be liked. They long for true love and true caring, even if they do not realize it. Teenagers are rebellious, but they want approval in their rebellion. The pro-life audience tends to be conservative. They believe in life from conception to natural death and they have some kind of religious background. The choices that they make are normally based on religious persuasion and they do not feel like they have to go with the flow of the society. The handicap community tends to stand out. It is harder for them to get around and to plan and attend events. They cannot always go to everything that “normal” families and people can go to because there is not always a handicap accessible area. They experience frustration because they cannot always take care of themselves and they want to give up sometimes. They do not want people to feel bad for them, they want to find true love and compassion. The last target audience that I have is those who are a part of a big family. Big families tend to have a conservative and religious background. They do not always have money. They often use hand-me-downs, either from other siblings or other families. Often, the older siblings help raise the younger siblings.

I am hoping that writing a book will lead into a career of speaking. Being a published author would allow for me to be a credible source for churches and communities that have audiences for my target markets. I hope to fill the need for women speakers. Life can be difficult sometimes, I hope to show people how to get through the difficult times and still be able to see how important and fulfilling even the worst of times can be.

With the experiences that I have had, my stories have a wide range of topics. These topics include the many different audiences that I have mentioned. These stories include stories about being genuine, real love, and daily inspiration.

In this book and throughout a career as a speaker, I am trying to explain to people what it's like to be in situations where people look into your life and think that your life is so awful and pitiful. Most people look into my life and think that about me and my family. People often come up and tell me that they feel bad for me. In these situations, it could be very easy to fall into feeling sorry for myself. However, that would not be the way to view myself. Throughout writing this book and becoming a speaker, I hope to show people how my family is the luckiest family and how although there are a lot of difficulties that come with it, there is no way that I would ever change any part of my family or my experiences.

In order to prepare myself for this journey, I must start by understanding my experiences from a mature adults point of view. By looking at the stories through my own eyes from when I was a child will help me understand what people are going thorugh when they are in situations that bring about the same emotions and thoughts that the experiences I have had have brought me. Writing the book first will also help with a future in speaking because when I am writing the book, I am able to write and edit until the stories are clearly told. By doing this first, I will then be able to clearly discuss the stories when I am speaking in front of an audience. I will be able to know the individual stories that I am telling, but also my story as a whole.

Jesus is necessary in all of the activities in my life. Through the sacraments, He will lead me to Himself. In baptism, He welcomed me into His family. In reconciliation, He forgives my selfishness. In the Eucharist, He nourishes me. In confirmation, He seals me in His love. In Holy Matrimony, He unites me with my husband and Himself. In the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, He strengthens me for my journey. While I am on this journey, it is important for me to listen to God's word. I must rely on Him and trust that He will lead me to the people that need to hear what I have to say. I also must trust in His timing, instead of relying on my own. Because God is perfect, I must always remember that, like Christ, I must surrender my will to my Heavnely Father's will.

In writing a book, I will strive to be like the authors in the bible who told their stories in order to help others see God working in their lives. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says in paragraph 409,

The whole of man's history has been the story of dour combat with the powers of evil, stretching, so our Lord tells us, from the very dawn of history until the last day. Finding himself in the midst of the battlefield man has to struggle to do what is right, and it is at great cost to himself, and aided by God's grace, that he succeeds in achieving his own inner integrity.”

Only because of God's grace have I come to the realizations that I will explain in my book, and only by God's grace will I have the grace to tell others about it and be able to touch their hearts and lead them in a dirrection that points to our Heavenly Father.

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