Saturday, July 11, 2009

Impacting Culture: A Cinematographer

During this filming experience, I was able to learn an exorbitant amount of information about the camera and experience the many ways that the camera works. Although I went into the project very discouraged with my camera work, during this project my skills definitely grew exponentially. Instead of completely hating cinematography, I am continuously realizing that I am getting better at it the more I use the cameras. 
For our project, we decided to shoot a music video that we feel can really impact the culture for Christ, when interpreted in truth. During each scene, my director, Matthew Connors, would inform me of an idea that he had for a particular line in the song. At that point we would discuss the many different choices that we could make for each shot. Eventually, we would come to a specific idea and run with it. During this time, we would also figure out what would be happening before and after in order for the story to make sense. 
Once we had the idea down and were ready to film, it was my responsibility to take care of the many different technical aspects. For example, it was my responsibility to make sure each shot we took was focused and white balanced. After the initial struggle I had to remember everything I needed to do as cinematographer, it became second nature. Right before I went to record, I would double-check the focus and the lighting. 
Each shot that we used, was specifically designed for the way that we wanted the audience to feel at that specific time. One example of this is a shot that is actually used twice in our short film. This shot is when our actress, Danielle, is walking the opposite way from where the rest of the crowd is going. However, what I like most about this shot is when we reversed it. I loved how that gave the audience the feeling of being confused and not understanding what to do. Then, clearly running, because she now knows that she must impact the culture. 
From a technical aspect, the shoot went very well. We had everything we needed in order to have all of our ideas there when we need to film. We even were miraculously able to film the group scene when some of the students were on their break so that we didn’t have to waste any time waiting for them. 
Overall, everything went very well. From timing to the shots, I do not think I could’ve done any better of a job. I shockingly enjoyed being a cinematographer during this shoot. 

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