Monday, August 23, 2010


"Love cannot remain by itself -- it has no meaning.
      Love has to be put into action, and that action is service." - Mother Teresa

There is no way that one can serve with out love, and as Mother Teresa says, the action of love is service. Because love is selfless, it only seeks to help others. When you serve others, you give your life meaning. Your actions become more than just actions. They become part of a story, a legacy, a way of life. 
There is much more to service than just helping others, because if you are only helping others but do not have love, then it is only an action. With love, it becomes more than that. Love in action is a way of life. Giving of one's self, without holding back can be difficult, but well worth it! You never know which act of service turns someone's life around. Or gives them hope when they needed.

Love. Action. Service. Always.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I will start out this post by saying that I am not a mother yet!

However, I have had the best example of what a mother should be like! After 22 years of marriage, my mom has had 9 kids! She has been open to God's will in everything that she is given from Him. Like our Mother Mary in Heaven, she said Yes... to all the challenges & hardships! 
Because my brothers have an undiagnosed condition, she has always learned as much as she could about anything and everything related to their condition. She fought to make sure that the public schools would let my brothers into a regular education classes! Time after time, she fights for my brothers and the rest of our family so that we could all have a wonderful life!!!
She always has energy and is ready to go....but most of all, she has instilled in all of her children a love for God and a strong faith... one that continues to challenge us and that we continue to want to know more about. I only wish that I could be as wonderful as a mother as my mom is! Always with the support of my dad, my mom has been a great example of faith and love the way that Mother Mary shows us. 

Monday, August 9, 2010


I love that the word girlfriend could have so many meanings. I'm sure the first meaning that most people jump to is the girlfriend/boyfriend relationship. So, I'll start there.
Being a girlfriend is a key part of the courtship time. Courting is important because it is time used for two people to decide if God has called them to marry each other, not to marriage in general, but to each other. It is important when you become a girlfriend not to be completely attached to this other person. Family & close friends should be an integral part of this process. If you are still in school, you should encourage each other in your studies. In your work, this relationship should also lead to better work habits. It is also important that when you become someone's girlfriend, your relationship with your family & friends shouldn't suffer. If this other person is making these central relationships suffer, you should really reconsider what the strain on your other relationships are? Is it that you spend to much time alone, only with each other, for example.
Your relationship with God should also become stronger. This other person should be bringing you closer to Christ. Praying with each other and for each other is a crucial part of deciding what God's will for your life is.

Remember, girlfriends can turn into fiances, who turn into wives. You want to make sure that your relationship is healthy so that if you decide it is God's will to marry each other, it is a relationship that is healthy and centered around Christ.
(Right Photo Credit: True Image Studio,          Irvine, CA)

The other type of girlfriends are your closest girls!!! It's important to make time for your girlfriends. Finding women to keep you accountable to your dreams and goals, prayer life, love life, and just to kick back is important for a balanced life! Even after you are married, it is important to make time for the girls in your life. If you are having a hard time finding good girlfriends, look into women groups in your church. Also, joining clubs & organizations for sports or other hobbies can also be a great way to meet women who enjoy the same things that you do!

 No matter what, girlfriends are important in everyone's life!!!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Wedding Day!!

Why did we go on with the wedding right after my brother's death?
Find out!

Iibloom: The Wedding Day

Enjoy :D

Monday, August 2, 2010

Attachment & Abandonment to Divine Providence

I truly believe that these two principles go hand in hand. Attachments do not allow you to abandon your own will and follow God's will for you.

Attachment can grab you and take hold way in ways that you don't even know it has taken you. Throughout life, our attachments to things change depending on our maturity. As we grow up we are to learn the self-sacrificing techniques in order to become less attached to worldly belongings. During lent, we are given a time to acknowledge our attachments. But, we need to be aware of the things we are more inclined to become attached to in order to keep it in check throughout the year.

Divine Providence can only truly shine through when we have chosen to sacrifice our own selfish wants into a selfless love geared to helping others. In Col 3:1-5, 9-11, we are called to deny our own will and follow Christ. We must be in control of our passions, our passions cannot control us. Passions are not inherently good or bad, and that is something that we must remember. It is if we let go of our passions, use them as an excuse to do what is the easy way out, which is not necessarily the route that will lead us to our ultimate goal. If our decisions are solely made on feelings we receive through our passion without relying on our reason to help control those passions, we become erratic. However, if we stay away from attachments, we will be able to see God's will in our lives more clearly, even though that doesn't necessarily mean it will be easier.