Thursday, May 13, 2010

You're TOO Young...

You're too young... It seems to be a phrase that is used very often around me. 

Normally, the conversation includes something like this:
Other person: "Wow, you look so young to have/be...., How old are you?"
Me: "I'm 20."
Other: "Wow, you're soooo young... "

With turning 21 at the end of this month, I have been thinking about everything that I have done in my life thus far, and looking forward to life a head of me. 
A lot of people seem shocked at my age. Over and over and over. It seems to be a continuos cycle. I often get asked about why I decided to get married so young or why I'm not "trying to enjoy my college life more". I have always been stunned by this. 

Throughout my life, I have often been told by people who are older than I am that I am very mature for my age, which is probably from my family's situation. So, I find it very interesting when people that I am meeting now, who do not know my history or family, always ask me if I think I'm too young. I always answer with "Not everyone is called to marriage this young, but I am sure I made the right choice." As coworkers, and others, continue to ask questions about why, my family's story start to emerge. I truly think that God has called me to be an example to others of how to live a happy and fulfilling life. Many people ask me why I am "throwing my life away" by getting married and that I'll miss out on having fun.  I find my life fun, full of responsibility, but fun. And I wouldn't change my decision to get married young, even though it means making a lot of sacrifices at some points. 

I have found one Bible verse in particular to be my motto in life:
"Do not let anyone treat you as if you are unimportant because you are young. Instead, be an example to the believers with your words, your actions, your love, your faith, and your pure life." ~~~~   1 Timothy 4:12

I try to live my life so that I can be an example. God has graced me with a family that makes it very easy for my decisions to be visible. Through the examples of my parents, I strive to live my life in a way that I can point people to God. I find it important to leave my life in God's hands because every time I have left my life in God's hands and have tried to align my will to His will, He has planned something more wonderful than I could have imagined, even though there are many parts of His plan that I do not fully understand nor do I know the full effects of the result of be putting my life in His hands. 

The results of following God's plan, even if it means sacrifice at the time or being uncomfortable, will be far more rewarding than any form of instant gratification or "fun" that I may have encountered by following my own frivolous desires. 

Many people are shocked by everything  I have done in my life, and I think that is because God shocks people with His will. I hope to be able to continue to life my life following His plan so that I will be able to bring more people to understanding true love and responsibility; how they go hand in hand and how they are not a hinderance to a happy and fulfilling life.