I will start out this post by saying that I am not a mother yet!
Because my brothers have an undiagnosed condition, she has always learned as much as she could about anything and everything related to their condition. She fought to make sure that the public schools would let my brothers into a regular education classes! Time after time, she fights for my brothers and the rest of our family so that we could all have a wonderful life!!!
She always has energy and is ready to go....but most of all, she has instilled in all of her children a love for God and a strong faith... one that continues to challenge us and that we continue to want to know more about. I only wish that I could be as wonderful as a mother as my mom is! Always with the support of my dad, my mom has been a great example of faith and love the way that Mother Mary shows us.
Your mom is amazing! She is an amazing example of love, commitment, and accepting Gods will, all with a joyful heart. I am so blessed to know her (and you).